When I started with the skullcast I realized that the skull had to be reconstructed becouse the original skull had been deformed by the matrix. The collours is inspired by couldweather hunters like the snow panther (Panthera unica) lynx (Felis lynx) and the wolf (Canis lupus). I whould like to thank the specialist that where kind enough to help me with sharing ther knowledge while building the model. The model whas buil with tye help os Dick Mol, Wilrie v. Logchum, Kees v Hooidonk en Klaas Post. I also whould like to thank Mr Erinkveld from Staatsbosbeheer Schoorl for allowing me to take the pictures in a “natural” habitat.
Evolving eden Alan Turner & Mauricio Anton,
Manmmoths, sabertooths and homonids Alan Turner & Mauricio Anton,
The big c ats and their fossil relatives Alan Turner & Mauricio Anton,
Grosse tieranatomie Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy W. Ellenbeger/ H. Ditrich/ H. Baum
The rise of the mammals, M. J. Benton PH.D.
Leven in de oertijd, Spinar, Burian,
Cranium ,dec.2003 K.v. Hooijdonk,
Quantenary Science Review 24(2005) M.Anton, A.Galobart and A. Turner.
The scimitar cat Vida Rawn-schat Zinger
Travaux Du Laboratoire de Geologie R. Ballesio.
Replica of a skull (www.boneclones.com)
Own reaserch in America on the seletoncast in the Beringia Interpretive Centre in Whitehorse and the collection in Naturalis (Natural History Museum), Leiden, The Netherlands