The making of
'Yukagir'mammoth 1 (in Japan)
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Tone' prepares to enter the airvault, to work on the original tusk
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F.l.t.r. our guide/interpreter Mayumi, the responsable scientist for the mammoth prof. Sano, en de Russian delegate
Preparing to cast tha right tusk
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3D-computerprint of the lefttusk. This serves a reference for the sculpting of the tusk. We cannot make a cast of the original tusk because this cannot be removed from the head. This head is exhibited at the Expo in a special freezer.
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First we sculpt the lefttusk, and make a mould of it. This makes it possible to cast both tusks in the same material.
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Original mammothsole.With nails
The tip of the lefttusk.
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The fitting of the tusks
Tha applying of the coat
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Mako preparing the hair.
I am (here to built) a woolly mammoth
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The official opening of the mammothouse at the Expo 2005 in Nagoya, Japan.
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