Coelodonta antiquitatis
(Blumenbach, 1799)
a travelling Ice Age exhabition made by the Reiss-Engelhorn-Stiftung in Mannheim (Germany)
The mother rhino is 150 cm high at the shoulder. The calf about 90 cm
16 weeks
To get a beter idea for the hair coat of this animal I used cave paintings as a example. I feel that the people that made these paintings were seeing these animals in there daly life and have used these images in the caves. This is as true a image as we can get from these animals. If you analise the drawings of the rhono’s you can divide the drawings , roghly, in twoo types. The first has hair hanging from the belley and head and no markings on the body. The second has no hair hanging down and distinct lighter and darker area’s on the head and body. The darker places are ; the mid body, the sideburns, ears, feet and shoulders. My conclusion is that the whooly rhino had a summer coat that was marked by lighter and darker areas. The wintercoat was longer and moe uniform in coulor.

Also in this case the scientific guidance is done by Mr. Dick Mol.
Grosse tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy for artists, E. Goldfinger,
Neushoorns in het nauw, E. en C. Bradlley Martins.
De Wolharige neushoorn, D. Mol, A Oosterbaan en J de Vos,
Rhinos, Steven and Ann Toon,
Kleine encyclopedie, D.Mol, j. E Vos, R.Bakker ea,
Journey through the Ice Age, Paul G. Bahn,
De grot Chauvet, J Chauvet, E. Brunel ea,
Return to Chauvet cave, J Clottes.
National geographic artikelen,
Div. publicaties
National geographic articles,
Internet data and own studies of bones and casts.