Trogontherium cuvieri

These models are built for the Werkgroep Pleistocene Zoogdieren (WPZ) to commemorate their 40th anniversary. Of the 'swimming' model 3 were made. They were placed in The Natuurmuseum Rotterdam, het Natuurhistorisch museum Maastricht and Historyland in Hellevoetsluis. One Model was walking (collection D.Mol) and one model walking in bronze. This was placed in the garden Jochumhoff.

The model is 150 centimetres long from the nose to the tip of the trail.


Around 6 weeks per model.

The appearance of this, fairly unknown, Pleistocene rodent relies, strongly, on a comparative study between remains from Tegelen and 2e Maasvlakte. The material is from Duch collections in musea and from members of the WPZ. The study is instigated and lead by Mr. D. Mol.

Het leven der dieren, Grzimek.
Pleistocene Mammals of Europe, Bjorn Kurten,
Grosse tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy for artists, E. Goldfinger,
An atlas of animal anatomy for artists, W.Ellenberger, Ditrich and Baum,
Beavers, F. Rosell, R.Campbell-Palmer.
Kleine encyclopedie, D. Mol, J.E. Vos, R. Bakker e.a.,
Div. publications
Internet data and own studies of bones and casts.