Repair and remount of an Irish elk skeleton

North Sea Fossils.

The skeleton is 303 cm wide, 300 cm high and around 280 cm long.


This project took 3 months from start to finish.

This skeleton on is been on display in the Zoo in Emmen (the Netherlands) for years. A complete report of the repairs is published in the magazine "Cranium". This is the magazine of the Werkgroep Pleistocene zoogdieren. (link WPZ??). In the end the decision was made to keep the skeleton in the original stile, with copper connections, and to replace the previous repairs with new ones made from one material. The stand of the front legs was corrected, which improved the general appearance. Dr Nigel Monaghan has found axion files that tell us the history of this skeleton.

Also, in this case the scientific guidance is done by Mr. Dick Mol.
Grosse tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy for artists, E. Goldfinger,
Kleine encyclopedie, D. Mol, J.E. Vos, R. Bakker e.a.,
Div. publicaties,
Internet en eigen studies van skeletten en afgietsels.