Replicas of the skeleton “Lucy” and a reconstructed skull of the same skeleton.
Mammoths, sabertooths and hominids by J. Augusti and M.Anton,
Vertebrate palaeontology by M.J.Benton,
Prehistoric mammals by R.J.G. Savage & M.R. Long,
Principles of human evolution Lewin and Foley,
From Lucy to language Jophnson and Edgar,
Extict humans Tottersall and Schwartz.
The human figure in motion - by Muybridge,
Human anatomy by Mc Minn and Huldings,
Sobota Anatomy 1 en 2 red. R. Putz and R.Pabst,
Atlas van de anatomy W. Khle, H. leonhardt and W. Platzer.
Cambridge encyclopaedia of human evolution,