Caprovis savinii
The publication of an article made bij Mr D. Mol and Mr. K. Tanis. The basis for this article was an fossil horn core that was in the collection of Mr. Tanis that was the most complete known from the North Sea.
The head is 30 cm long.
Around 7 weeks.
The horn core was special because it had the midline and the eye socket edge present. We reconstructed the horncore and had the total scanned. After scanning we printed the piece in mirror image and these two parts gave us the top of the skull. The eye socket and molars (attributed to Caprovis) gave us a size for the size of the skull and the heaviness. This was the basis for the reconstruction of the head. Together with the veterinarian university in Utrecht we reconstructed the horn sheath that must have covered the horn core in life.

Pleistocene Mammals of Europe, Bjorn Kurten,
Grosse tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy for artists, E. Goldfinger,
An atlas of animal anatomy for artists, W.Ellenberger, Ditrich and Baum,
Kleine encyclopedie, D. Mol, j. E Vos, R. Bakker e.a.,
Several publications Internet data and own studies of bones at the veterinarian collage at Utrecht and casts.
Also, in this case the scientific guidance is done by Mr. Dick Mol supplemented with Mr. K. Tanis.