Woolly Rhino
(scène from the ice-age)

research project
Manimal Works

60cm x 100cm


±3 days

I decided to base the markings and the colours of the animals on the cave paintings. I, strongly feel that we can not ignore the first-hand witnesses of that time. I would like to thank Dick Mol for his help and tips regarding the understanding of the fossil record and the appearance of the animals.

I used models of the skulls and several books nl
Big cats and their fossil relatives – A. Turner en M Anton,
Mammoths, sabertooths and hominids – J. Augusti en M.Anton,
Horns, tusks & flippers – D.R. Protheros en R.M. Schock,
Vertebrate palaeontology – M.J.Benton,
Ice age mammals of N. America – I.M. Lange,
Rise of the mammals – M.J. Benton,
Prehistoric mammals – R.J.G. Savage en M.R. Long,
Chauvet cave – J.Clottres,
De grot chauvet – J.M. Chauvet, E. Brund Deschamps en C.H. Hillare,
Journey through the ice age – P.G. Bahn.