illustration Mastodon of Neokaisareia, Mammut obliquelophus.
Nature & Human Friends Group, Neokaisareia, Greece.
The original painting is approximately 150 cm wide
Approximately 3 weeks
This Mastodon seems to be a variation on the Anancus avernensis.

Also, in this case the scientific guidance is done by Mr. Dick Mol.
Grosse tieranatomie, Gottfried Bammes,
Animal anatomy for artists, E. Goldfinger,
Elefantenreich, Museum Halle H. Meller,
Der elephant, Gill Davies,
Mamoths, Mastodonts & elephants, Gary Haynes,
The living elephants, Raman Sukumar,
Elefant, Steve Bloom,
The illustrated encyclopedia of elephants, Dr. S.K. Eltringham,
The proboscidea, J. Shosshani and P. Tassy,
Elephant reflextions, K. Ammann and D. Peterson,
Sacret elephant, H. Williams,
De mammoet, D. Mol en H. v Essen,
The art of being a Elephant, C. and M. Denis-Huot,
Kleine encyclopedie, D. Mol, j. E Vos, R. Bakker e.a.,
National geographic artikelen,
Div. publicaties,
Musculature of the Asian elephant part I, II and III, Shindo en Mori (1956),
The elephant head, J.E.V. Boas and S. Paulli (1908-1925),
Elephant interest group, Shosiani et al 1982,
Internet, symposia own studies of skeletons, elephants and casts.