Geotrupes stercorarius model

personal project

approximately 30 cm

start is 2009 and completed in 2015

If I add all the building time together I thing that I come to approximately 8 weeks

This model started as a job for a artist that wanted to heve moulds of this aniomal at 30 cm. He wanted to cast it in bronze and add detail to modify the model. I wanted to use the model to make a realistic model of the animal itself. Again ; my thanks to Erik Stronkhorst for his part in this project.

For the building of thismodel I asked the help os a dung-beetle-xpert : Erik Stronkhorst. Hen made pictures of the spesiffic parts of the anathomie of ths species to make sure that I got ot right. Ther internet is also usefull to find pictures of details I could use.