Orka , "Taku K1"
Orcinus orca

"Oceanium", Blijdorp Zoo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Lifesize; 7,7 metres.


±10 weeks.

This model is made by using a lot of pictures of living animals and in cooperation with
The natural History Museum "NATURALIS"in Leiden, who gave me the opportunity to casts the teeth of a skull. This animal is sculpted after a the pictures of a specific individual, a animal known as "Taku nr. K1’’ studied in Vancouver. External bodymesurements of a dead animal from Germany, where given to me by Dr. Behrmann from the Afred Wegener-Institut, Fur polar und meeresforschung at Bremerhaven.
Exact I.D.-pictures and vital-information where given to my disposal by miss. A. .M. van Ginneken.
ORCA, the whale called killer by Erich Hoyt,
Whales of the world, by Spencer W. Tinker,
Walvissen, dolfijnen en bruinvissen, serie Fascinerende dierenrijk,
Whales, Dolphins and porpoises, National Geographic,
Dolphins and porpoises, Louise Quayle,
Siwiti-A whale’s story , by Alexadra.Morton,
Killer whales, by Sara & James Heimlich- Boran,
Orca, by Peter Knudtson.
