Malaysian hornbills
(Buceros rhinoceros)
Apenheul Apeldoorn
(The Netherlands)
The birds are, almost, 1,2 meters long and the nest-tree is 1.5 metres high.
± 7 weeks
This is a life-size set and all the material used on the birds and the young are artificial. Not only for moral reasons, but also because of the exhibition environment. Being unheated and moist, there is limited use of authentic and vulnerable materials. External measurements are taken off the type specimen in the National Natuurhistoisch Museum "NATURALIS" at Leiden, the Netherlands.
Studys of living animals, of this species, where made in Avifauna-birdpark. These animals served as model for drawings and pictures.
I also made a studie other animals of the same family .
Encyclopaedia of birds,
Fundaments of ornithology,
Ornithology, The Cambridge encyclopaedia,
Grzimek, het leven der dieren.