
"Oceanium" Blijdorp Zoo, Rotterdam. The Netherlands.



± 10 weeks.

gewone dolfijn

gevlekte dolfijn

spinner dolfijn

The external measurements of all four species are made available by: Dr. C. Smeenk from The National Natuur Historisch Museum " NATURALIS " in Leiden, The Netherlands. and Dr. Behrmann van het "Alfred–WegenerInstitut fur Polar und Meeresforschung" in Bermerhaven. These animals are all selected out of the species that live off the American East coast.
Seaguide to the whales of the world, Lyall Watson,
Dolphins, Jacques-Yves Cousteau,
Dolphins and porpoises, Louise Quayle,
Falling for a dolphin, Heathcote Williams,
Dauphins en liberte’, Nathan,
Whales, dolphins and porpoises, Mark Carwadine,
Whales, dolphins and porpoises, National Geographic society, Whales of the world, Tinker,
Walvissen, dolfijnen en bruinvissen, Facinerend dierenrijk, National Geographic Society, Sept. 1992.
