(Raphus cucullatus)

Made for personal study and sales.

The length of the skull model is 21.8 cm. This falls within the natural dimension of the dodo.


It is possible to order a cast of this skull. The price is on request. Pleace contact me by phone or E-mail for more information. I would like to thank the zoologisch museum in Amsterdam and the museum voor minaralogie en aardwetenschappen in Delft for their help.
Because it is not possible to cast these skulls I had to use a plaster cast of a dodo head to find the maximum measurements of a dodo head and the skull in it. To sculpt the skull I used pictures I had received by the Oxford museum from their skull, and visual information from in the Dutch museum voor mineralogie en aardwetenschappen in Delft and the skeleton in the Senckenberg museum in Germany. The basic shape and dimensions are obtained from drawings of the skull in the books; Extinct birds by Errol Fuller, Dodo by Eroll Fuller and Extinct by Anton Gill & Alex West.