The making of
'Yukagir'mammoth 1 (in Japan)

Tone' prepares to enter the airvault, to work on the original tusk
F.l.t.r. our guide/interpreter Mayumi, the responsable scientist for the mammoth prof. Sano, en de Russian delegate
Preparing to cast tha right tusk
3D-computerprint of the lefttusk. This serves a reference for the sculpting of the tusk. We cannot make a cast of the original tusk because this cannot be removed from the head. This head is exhibited at the Expo in a special freezer.
First we sculpt the lefttusk, and make a mould of it. This makes it possible to cast both tusks in the same material.
Original mammothsole.With nails
The tip of the lefttusk.
The fitting of the tusks
Tha applying of the coat
Mako preparing the hair.
I am (here to built) a woolly mammoth
The official opening of the mammothouse at the Expo 2005 in Nagoya, Japan.