Great white shark ,
(Carcarodon carcarias)
"Oceanium", Blijdorp Zoo Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
±4 metres.
1999, plaatsing 2000
± 16 weeks.
The pressure-sensitive line on the body and head of the model are emphasised by glass-fibre lights.
The shark has a "window" in the side of het body. This gives a few on the internal organs and het uterus with several foetuses. The mouth has rubber teeth and, is open. This gives the possibility to look through the mouth and past the gills. Information about the foetuses is sent to me by Dr. M. Francis from NIWA, New Zealand.
Great white sharks" door Dr.A. Peter Klimley and D.G. Ainley. Sharks,
Myth and reality, door G. Cafiero and M.Jahoda,
SHARKS! Discovery Channel Books,
Sharks in question,the Smithsonian answer book,
Haaien" ooggetuigen,
The book of the shark, door Dr. Keith Bannister
Cousteaus great white shark, door Cousteau & Richards,
Sharks, history and biology of the lords of the sea door A. Mojetta.